Mini heart attack : Symptoms & Treatment

What is a mini heart attack?

A heart attack does not always come with obvious loud symptoms at all times. In some cases, the signs are very much ignorable, like missing out on free coupons. Such attacks are called silent or mini heart attacks.

Key Symptoms

Following are the symptoms that should not be ignored if experienced.

1. Consistent fatigue without a reason

Exhaustive work schedules and lack of sleep can cause both physical and mental fatigue. However, if you are feeling drained out and do not have the stamina to perform day to day tasks without strong reasons, it may be a warning sign for a potential heart attack. Further signs related to this symptom is extreme laziness. Even after a good span of sleep, you would not have enough energy to get up from the bed. If these signs persist for long, it is important to get hold of a heart expert. More insight of mini heart attacks can be understood through the following video.

2.    Lightheadedness and spinning 

Lightheadedness is a key sign that you are heading for heart problems. When does this occur? The health of your heart holds the responsibility for supplying blood to all organs of the body.  If a person is going through heart issues, the blood flow would be less. As a result, the person would experience light headedness.

3.    Breath shortness at regular intervals

Having breath shortness is normal if you have been running or performing a rigorous physical activity. If the same is experienced while sitting in a consistent position or normal conversations, it can be a potential heart attack symptom. In worst cases, people are even unable to converse for one to two minutes without losing their breath.

4.    Pain in the lower back area 

Pain is experienced in the spine if one sits with the wrong posture. This is because muscles are cramped due to incorrect positioning. In normal situations, the uneasiness is experienced for a small time frame. Once the muscles regain the normal flexibility level, relief is experienced. Consistent back pain is a symptom of heart problems. If this feeling lasts for a long span, medical assistance should be attained.

5.    Insomnia on regular basis

Lack or loss of sleep may be due to depression and mental anxiety but there can be other reasons as well. People who have mental problems are able to sleep peacefully if they take anti-depressants or sedatives. This does not happen for people facing heart attack risks. Experiencing regular insomnia without persistent mental issues is a warning sign for heart problems. Monitor your sleep patterns and if sleeplessness lasts for a long span, approaching a cardiac expert is important.

6.    Nausea

The feeling of throwing up or vomiting is experienced when you have overeaten or eaten something that does not suit you.  Nausea is also a sign of heart issues particularly if you do not have any diet problems.

7.    Chest heaviness 

There is a key difference between chest heaviness and chest pain. Having chronic pain in the chest is a major loud symptom that you need cardiac health. Chest heaviness can be a silent sign. Generally, people feel as if something with a lot of weight has been placed in the center of the chest. At times, it becomes hard to stand in a still position. If you are experiencing this feeling, keep an eye on the frequency. Get medical help if the problem persists for a long span.

8.    Heart Burns 

Acidity is experienced if food with increased spices are eaten. This results in burning experiences in the chest. When this sensation diverts toward the center of the chest, it is termed as heart burns. People who go through long spans of heart burns should approach heart specialists to avoid emergencies.

Prevention Techniques and Tips

By following some important prevention tips, you can prevent from heart attack risk. This is better than going for medical treatment and surgeries.

1.    Keep a check on what you eat 

What you eat during the course of the day plays an important role in deciding the level of cardiac health? Meals containing high fat content are hazardous. They do not get digested and fat gets deposited in the arteries. This results in the flow of blood getting hampered. Eat healthy and include fresh fruits / vegetables in your diet. Gulping down fatty foods can increase the obesity level. Apart from eating the right meals, it is important to know your BMI (Body Mass Index) so that increase in weight can be prevented in a timely way.

2.    Workout / exercise regularly 

The secret behind a healthy heart is working out regularly. When you exercise, fat is burnt in the form of sweat and does not clog the blood arteries. This results in a healthy heart. It is not mandatory to spend hours on lifting weights. For people who are not interested in developing a muscular physique, jogging and brisk walking are quite fruitful. 

3.    Get rid of smoking 

There is no point in spending money for ruining your health. It is nothing but foolishness. Smoking thickens the walls of blood arteries. As a result, less blood flows through them. Eventually, the condition of the heart declines leading to an attack.

4.    Relaxation is very much needed 

Stress is something which cannot be eliminated from our daily lives. Tensions would always exist in both professional and personal lives. However, they have to be handled in the right manner. Do not overthink about anything and manage your time properly. When thinks start piling up, people start getting stressed about them. This practice has an adverse effect on the heart. Taking rest after exhaustive work schedules pays off and contributes towards a healthy heart condition.

5.    Keep the blood pressure and cholesterol under check

High levels of cholesterol can easily lead to a heart attack so keep them in check is important. Get blood tests done regularly so that you do not experience sudden attacks. Taking unnecessary tension can increase your blood pressure which is another factor resulting in cardiac issues. It is important to keep yourself calm. Having tests done helps in keeping a check on the medical state. 

6.    Regular minimum sleep of 8 hours

Lack of sleep gives birth to various long term medical complications including heart attacks. It is important to sleep for minimum 8 hours every day. This habit acts as a productive method to prevent heart issues.

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